first commit

This commit is contained in:
alex04130 2024-03-18 20:46:57 -05:00
commit 5db75e3ae3
3 changed files with 1054 additions and 0 deletions

CMakeLists.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
idf_component_register(SRCS "sw7203.c"
REQUIRES driver)

sw7203.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
#include <sw7203.h>
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "driver/i2c_master.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
static const char *SW7203_TAG = "SW7203";
void sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t data, uint8_t bitmask)
uint8_t original_reg;
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.I2CBusBusyEnable == 1)
while (*SW7203_Mutex != 0)
vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
*SW7203_Mutex = 1;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_master_transmit_receive(SW7203_I2C_handle, &reg_addr, 1, &original_reg, 1, -1));
*SW7203_Mutex = 0;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_master_transmit_receive(SW7203_I2C_handle, &reg_addr, 1, &original_reg, 1, -1));
uint8_t diff = (original_reg ^ (data)) & (bitmask);
if (diff)
uint16_t write_data = (reg_addr) << 8 | (diff ^ original_reg);
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.I2CBusBusyEnable == 1)
while (SW7203_Mutex != 0)
vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
SW7203_Mutex = 1;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_master_transmit(SW7203_I2C_handle, &write_data, 2, -1));
*SW7203_Mutex = 0;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_master_transmit(SW7203_I2C_handle, &write_data, 2, -1));
uint8_t sw7203_I2C_address_find(i2c_master_bus_handle_t I2C_bus_handle)
esp_err_t errcode;
errcode = i2c_master_probe(I2C_bus_handle, sw7203_I2c_0x3C, -1);
if (errcode == ESP_OK)
return 0x3C;
errcode = i2c_master_probe(I2C_bus_handle, sw7203_I2c_0x1C, -1);
if (errcode == ESP_OK)
return 0x1C;
errcode = i2c_master_probe(I2C_bus_handle, sw7203_I2c_0x18, -1);
if (errcode == ESP_OK)
return 0x18;
errcode = i2c_master_probe(I2C_bus_handle, sw7203_I2c_0x38, -1);
if (errcode == ESP_OK)
return 0x38;
return -1;
void sw7203_register_change_bitmask(uint8_t *reg_addr, uint8_t *data, uint8_t *bitmask)
uint8_t original_reg;
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.I2CBusBusyEnable == 1)
while (*SW7203_Mutex != 0)
vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
*SW7203_Mutex = 1;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_master_transmit_receive(SW7203_I2C_handle, reg_addr, 1, &original_reg, 1, -1));
*SW7203_Mutex = 0;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_master_transmit_receive(SW7203_I2C_handle, reg_addr, 1, &original_reg, 1, -1));
uint8_t diff = (original_reg ^ (*data)) & (*bitmask);
if (diff)
uint16_t write_data = (*reg_addr) << 8 | (diff ^ original_reg);
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.I2CBusBusyEnable == 1)
while (SW7203_Mutex != 0)
vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
SW7203_Mutex = 1;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_master_transmit(SW7203_I2C_handle, &write_data, 2, -1));
*SW7203_Mutex = 0;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_master_transmit(SW7203_I2C_handle, &write_data, 2, -1));
esp_err_t sw7203_reg_read(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *data)
esp_err_t errcode;
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.I2CBusBusyEnable == 1)
while (SW7203_Mutex != 0)
vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
SW7203_Mutex = 1;
errcode = i2c_master_transmit_receive(SW7203_I2C_handle, reg_addr, 1, data, 1, -1);
*SW7203_Mutex = 0;
errcode = i2c_master_transmit_receive(SW7203_I2C_handle, reg_addr, 1, data, 1, -1);
return errcode;
esp_err_t sw7203_reg_write(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *data)
uint8_t tran_data[2];
tran_data[0] = reg_addr;
tran_data[1] = *data;
esp_err_t errcode;
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.I2CBusBusyEnable == 1)
while (SW7203_Mutex != 0)
vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
SW7203_Mutex = 1;
errcode = i2c_master_transmit(SW7203_I2C_handle, tran_data, 2, -1);
*SW7203_Mutex = 0;
errcode = i2c_master_transmit(SW7203_I2C_handle, tran_data, 2, -1);
return errcode;
void sw7203_int()
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.INTGPIOEnable == 1)
while (1)
vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
while (1)
if (gpio_get_level(sw7203_INT_gpio_num) == 0)
vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
esp_err_t sw7203_driver_install(sw7203_config_t *sw7203_config, i2c_master_bus_handle_t I2C_bus_handle, uint8_t I2C_address)
if (I2C_address != 0x18 && I2C_address != 0x1C && I2C_address != 0x38 && I2C_address != 0x3C)
if (sw7203_config->SW7203_control_mode.mode == 1 && (sw7203_config->connectDetect.config.a1PortDetectEnable == 1 || sw7203_config->connectDetect.config.a2PortDetectEnable == 1))
if ((__sw7203_driver_config__.INTGPIOEnable = sw7203_config->SW7203_control_mode.INTGPIOEnable) == 0)
sw7203_INT_gpio_num = sw7203_config->INT_gpio_num;
if (sw7203_config->SW7203_control_mode.gpioInitMode == 0)
gpio_config_t sw7203_int_gpio_config = {
.pin_bit_mask = 1ull << sw7203_INT_gpio_num,
.pull_down_en = gpio_pulldown_dis,
.pull_up_en = gpio_pullup_en,
__sw7203_driver_config__.mode = sw7203_config->SW7203_control_mode.mode;
__sw7203_driver_config__.I2CBusBusyEnable = sw7203_config->SW7203_control_mode.I2CBusBusyEnable;
__sw7203_driver_config__.voltageConflictSwitch = sw7203_config->SW7203_control_mode.voltageConflictSwitch;
__sw7203_driver_config__.porta1enable = sw7203_config->connectDetect.config.a1PortDetectEnable;
__sw7203_driver_config__.porta2enable = sw7203_config->connectDetect.config.a2PortDetectEnable;
esp_err_t errcode;
i2c_device_config_t sw7203_i2c_dev_config = {
.dev_addr_length = I2C_ADDR_BIT_LEN_7,
.device_address = I2C_address,
.scl_speed_hz = 100000};
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(errcode = i2c_master_bus_add_device(I2C_bus_handle, &sw7203_i2c_dev_config, &SW7203_I2C_handle));
SW7203_Mutex = sw7203_config->Mutex;
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[0][0], &sw7203_config->connectDetect.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[0][1]); // {0x18, 0b00010011}, 0
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[1][0], &sw7203_config->i2cAddress, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[1][1]); // {0x1A, 0b00000011}, 1
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[2][0], &sw7203_config->funcConfig1.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[2][1]); // {0x20, 0b11100111}, 2
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[3][0], &sw7203_config->funcConfig2.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[3][1]); // {0x21, 0b11111111}, 3
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[4][0], &sw7203_config->funcConfig3.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[4][1]); // {0x22, 0b11110000}, 4
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[5][0], &sw7203_config->funcConfig4.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[5][1]); // {0x30, 0b11001111}, 5
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[6][0], &sw7203_config->funcConfig5.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[6][1]); // {0x31, 0b00001111}, 6
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[7][0], &sw7203_config->funcConfig6.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[7][1]); // {0x32, 0b11011111}, 7
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[8][0], &sw7203_config->funcConfig7.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[8][1]); // {0x33, 0b11111111}, 8
uint8_t data_up, data_lb;
int tmp;
data_up = 0b01111100 & (sw7203_config->connectDetect.config.a1PortDetectEnable) & ((sw7203_config->connectDetect.config.a1PortDetectEnable) ? 2 : 0);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[26][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[26][1]); // {0x02, 0b01111111} 26
data_up = 0b10111111 & ((sw7203_config->funcConfig1.config.NTCProtectEnable) ? 0 : 64);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[27][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[27][1]); // {0x28, 0b00011111} 27
if (sw7203_config->chargeVoltage_mV < 3000)
data_up = 0;
data_lb = 0;
else if (sw7203_config->chargeVoltage_mV > 19200)
data_up = 0b11001010;
data_lb = 0b00000100;
tmp = ((sw7203_config->chargeVoltage_mV - 3000) / 10);
data_up = (uint8_t)(tmp >> 3) & 0xff;
data_lb = (tmp) & 0b0000000000000111;
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[9][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[9][1]); // {0x34, 0b11111111}, 9
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[10][0], &data_lb, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[10][1]); // {0x35, 0b00000111}, 10
if (sw7203_config->trickleVoltage_mV < 2500)
data_up = 0;
else if (sw7203_config->trickleVoltage_mV > 13200)
data_up = 107;
data_up = ((sw7203_config->trickleVoltage_mV - 2500) / 100);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[11][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[11][1]); // {0x36, 0b01111111}, 11
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[12][0], &sw7203_config->trickleConfig.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[12][1]); // {0x37, 0b00001111}, 12
if (sw7203_config->chargeVBUSVoltageLimit_mV < 4000)
data_up = 0;
else if (sw7203_config->chargeVBUSVoltageLimit_mV > 20000)
data_up = 160;
data_up = ((sw7203_config->chargeVBUSVoltageLimit_mV - 4000) / 100);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[13][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[13][1]); // {0x38, 0b11111111}, 13
if (sw7203_config->chargeVBUSCurrentLimit_mA < 500)
data_up = 0;
else if (sw7203_config->chargeVBUSCurrentLimit_mA > 6850)
data_up = 127;
data_up = ((sw7203_config->chargeVBUSCurrentLimit_mA - 500) / 50);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[14][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[14][1]); // {0x39, 0b01111111}, 14
if (sw7203_config->chargeVBATCurrentLimit_mA < 100)
data_up = 0;
else if (sw7203_config->chargeVBATCurrentLimit_mA > 12000)
data_up = 119;
data_up = ((sw7203_config->chargeVBATCurrentLimit_mA - 100) / 100);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[15][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[15][1]); // {0x3A, 0b01111111}, 15
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[16][0], &sw7203_config->NVDCConfig1.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[16][1]); // {0x40, 0b01000011}, 16
if (sw7203_config->chargeLDOCurrentLimit_mA < 100)
data_up = 0;
else if (sw7203_config->chargeLDOCurrentLimit_mA > 2000)
data_up = 19;
data_up = ((sw7203_config->chargeLDOCurrentLimit_mA - 100) / 100);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[17][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[17][1]); // {0x41, 0b00011111}, 17
if (sw7203_config->VSYSMinVoltage_mV < 3000)
data_up = 0;
else if (sw7203_config->VSYSMinVoltage_mV > 16600)
data_up = 68;
data_up = ((sw7203_config->VSYSMinVoltage_mV - 3000) / 200);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[18][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[18][1]); // {0x42, 0b01111111}, 18
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[19][0], &sw7203_config->NTCConfig.hex, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[19][1]); // {0x43, 0b11111111}, 19
if (sw7203_config->SW7203_control_mode.intMode == 0)
xTaskCreate(sw7203_int, "sw7203 int driver func", 1024, NULL, 5, &__sw7203_int_rtos_handle__);
return ESP_OK;
void sw7203SwitchOutput(sw7203_Vout_config_t *config)
uint8_t data_up, data_lb;
int tmp;
if ((__sw7203_current_output_voltage__ = config->VBUSVoltage_mV) < 3000)
data_up = 0;
data_lb = 0;
else if (config->VBUSVoltage_mV > 22000)
data_up = 0b11101101;
data_lb = 0b00000100;
tmp = ((config->VBUSVoltage_mV - 3000) / 10);
data_up = (uint8_t)(tmp >> 3) & 0xff;
data_lb = (tmp) & 0b0000000000000111;
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[20][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[20][1]); // {0x23, 0b11111111} 20
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[21][0], &data_lb, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[21][1]); // {0x24, 0b00000111} 21
if (config->VBUSCurrentLimit_mA < 500)
data_up = 0;
else if (config->VBUSCurrentLimit_mA > 6850)
data_up = 127;
data_up = (uint8_t)((config->VBUSCurrentLimit_mA - 500) / 50);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[22][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[22][1]); // {0x25, 0b01111111} 22
if (config->VBATCurrentLimit_mA < 100)
data_up = 0;
else if (config->VBATCurrentLimit_mA > 12000)
data_up = 119;
data_up = (uint8_t)((config->VBUSCurrentLimit_mA - 100) / 100);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[23][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[23][1]); // {0x26, 0b01111111} 23
if (config->VBATVoltageLimit_mV < 2700)
data_up = 0;
else if (config->VBATVoltageLimit_mV > 13200)
data_up = 105;
data_up = (uint8_t)((config->VBATVoltageLimit_mV - 2700) / 100);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[24][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[24][1]); // {0x27, 0b01111111} 24
if (config->VBATVoltageLimitHysteresis_mV < 400)
data_up = 0;
else if (config->VBATVoltageLimitHysteresis_mV > 2000)
data_up = 16;
data_up = (uint8_t)((config->VBATVoltageLimitHysteresis_mV - 400) / 100);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask(&SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[25][0], &data_up, &SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[25][1]); // {0x28, 0b00011111} 25
esp_err_t sw7203_driver_uninstall(i2c_master_bus_handle_t I2C_bus_handle)
if (__sw7203_int_rtos_handle__ != NULL)
return i2c_master_bus_rm_device(SW7203_I2C_handle);
void SW7203IntCallBack()
uint8_t buffer;
sw7203_reg_read(0x04, buffer);
if (buffer & 0x40)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "VSYS Over Voltage!");
if (buffer & 0x20)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "Charge Time Out!");
if (buffer & 0x10)
ESP_LOGI(SW7203_TAG, "Charge Full!");
if (buffer & 0x08)
ESP_LOGI(SW7203_TAG, "Port B pluged in!");
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x19, 0b00000100, 0b00000100);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0d, 0b00010000, 0b00010000);
if (buffer & 0x04)
ESP_LOGI(SW7203_TAG, "Port B removed!");
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x19, 0, 0b00000100);
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.porta1enable == 1)
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0c, 0b00000010, 0b00000010);
vTaskDelay(300 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0c, 0b00000000, 0b00000010);
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.porta2enable == 1)
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0c, 0b00000001, 0b00000001);
vTaskDelay(300 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0c, 0b00000000, 0b00000001);
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.porta2enable == 1 && buffer & 0x02)
ESP_LOGI(SW7203_TAG, "A2 pluged in!");
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.mode == 0)
sw7203_Vout_config_t *tmp = (*__SW7203CallBack_)(sw7203_port_A2);
if (tmp->VBUSVoltage_mV != __sw7203_current_output_voltage__)
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x19, 0b00000001, 0b00000001);
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.porta1enable == 1 && buffer & 0x01)
ESP_LOGI(SW7203_TAG, "A1 pluged in!");
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.mode == 0)
sw7203_Vout_config_t *tmp = (*__SW7203CallBack_)(sw7203_port_A1);
if (tmp->VBUSVoltage_mV != __sw7203_current_output_voltage__)
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x19, 0b00000010, 0b00000010);
buffer = 0x7f;
sw7203_reg_write(0x04, &buffer);
sw7203_reg_read(0x05, buffer);
if (buffer & 0x80)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "Chip Over Temperature!");
if (buffer & 0x40)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "NTC Over Temperature!");
if (buffer & 0x20)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "VBUS Over Voltage!");
if (buffer & 0x10)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "VBAT Over Voltage!");
if (buffer & 0x08)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "VBAT Under Voltage!");
if (buffer & 0x04)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "VBUS Short-Cutted!");
if (buffer & 0x02)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "VBUS Over Power!");
if (buffer & 0x01)
ESP_LOGW(SW7203_TAG, "VSYS Over Power!");
buffer = 0xff;
sw7203_reg_write(0x05, &buffer);
void sw7203OutputEnable()
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0d, 0b00000001, 0b00000001);
void sw7203OutputDisable()
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0d, 0, 0b00000001);
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.porta1enable == 1)
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0c, 0b00000010, 0b00000010);
vTaskDelay(300 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0c, 0b00000000, 0b00000010);
if (__sw7203_driver_config__.porta2enable == 1)
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0c, 0b00000001, 0b00000001);
vTaskDelay(300 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x0c, 0b00000000, 0b00000001);
void sw7203A1PortOpen()
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x19, 0b00000010, 0b00000010);
void sw7203A2PortOpen()
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x19, 0b00000001, 0b00000001);
void sw7203A1PortClose()
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x19, 0, 0b00000010);
void sw7203A2PortClose()
sw7203_register_change_bitmask_nonpoint(0x19, 0, 0b00000001);

sw7203.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
#ifndef __SW7203_H__
#define __SW7203_H__
#include "driver/i2c_master.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
typedef enum
} sw7203_I2C_port;
typedef sw7203_Vout_config_t *(*SW7203OutputConfigCallBack_t)(sw7203_I2C_port);
void SW7203IntCallBack();
uint8_t sw7203_INT_gpio_num;
static i2c_master_dev_handle_t SW7203_I2C_handle;
uint8_t *SW7203_Mutex = NULL;
static SW7203OutputConfigCallBack_t *__SW7203CallBack_;
TaskHandle_t __sw7203_int_rtos_handle__ = NULL;
int __sw7203_current_output_voltage__;
uint8_t mode : 1;
uint8_t INTGPIOEnable : 1;
uint8_t voltageConflictSwitch : 1;
uint8_t I2CBusBusyEnable : 1;
uint8_t porta1enable : 1;
uint8_t porta2enable : 1;
} __sw7203_driver_config__;
typedef union
uint8_t hex;
uint8_t adc_filter_time : 2; // 0: 10mS 1:20mS 2:40mS 4: 80mS
uint8_t : 2;
uint8_t adc_data : 4; // 0: VBAT电压 1: VBUS电压 4: VBAT充电电流 5: VBUS 充电电流 6: VBAT 放电电流 7:VBUS 放电电流 8: 芯片温度 9: NTC电压 10: VSYS电压
} config;
} adc_config;
typedef enum
sw7203_I2c_0x3C = 0,
sw7203_I2c_0x38 = 1,
sw7203_I2c_0x1C = 2,
sw7203_I2c_0x18 = 3
} sw7203_I2C_address_t;
typedef struct
uint16_t VBUSVoltage_mV; // 放电 VBUS 输出电压设置 [3000,22000] 单位毫伏mV
uint16_t VBATVoltageLimit_mV; // 放电 VBAT 欠压设置 [2700,13200] 单位毫伏mV
uint16_t VBATVoltageLimitHysteresis_mV; // 放电 VBAT 欠压迟滞设置 [400,2000] 单位毫伏mV
uint16_t VBUSCurrentLimit_mA; // 放电 VBUS 输出限流设置 [500,6850] 单位毫安mA
uint16_t VBATCurrentLimit_mA; // 放电 VBAT 输出限流设置 [100,12000] 单位毫安mA
} sw7203_Vout_config_t;
typedef struct
uint8_t INT_gpio_num;
sw7203_I2C_address_t i2cAddress;
void *Mutex;
SW7203OutputConfigCallBack_t CallBack;
uint8_t mode : 1;
// 控制模式选择
// 0: 被动模式 采取回调函数的方式进行运作,当检测到输入插入时调用回调函数,回调函数输入具体插入口,回调函数需返回输出配置的指针
// 1: 主动模式 放弃中断中插入检测,直接用函数和配置文件进行设置
uint8_t INTGPIOEnable : 1;
// 中断GPIO模式使能
// 0: 中断GPIO启动
// 1: 轮询I2C代替中断GPIO
uint8_t intMode : 1;
// 中断模式选择
// 0: 轮询模式 驱动程序自动加载中断轮询函数
// 1: ESP32中断回调模式 需用户单独配置中断端口并中断后调用SW7203IntCallBack函数
uint8_t gpioInitMode : 1;
// gpio初始化模式选择在使用轮询I2C后无效
// 0: 驱动程序初始化时自动初始化中断gpio
// 1: 用户自己初始化中断gpio后初始化sw7203
uint8_t voltageConflictSwitch : 1;
// 电压冲突选择,在设置为主动模式后无效
// 0: 当A1 A2 任何一个已经插入且插入第二个时回调得到第二个不同的电压值,立刻切换到这个电压并直接打开第二个口
// 1: 当A1 A2 任何一个已经插入且插入第二个时回调得到第二个不同的电压值,立刻关闭这个口切换到第二个口且切换到现在输入的电压
uint8_t I2CBusBusyEnable : 1;
// I2C总线忙使能
// 0: Mutex指针为I2C进程锁为1时表示总线正忙
// 1: 关闭总线防冲突功能
} SW7203_control_mode;
uint16_t chargeVoltage_mV; // 充电目标电压设置 [3000,19200] 单位毫伏mV
uint16_t trickleVoltage_mV; // 涓流电压设置 [2500,13200] 单位毫伏mV
uint16_t chargeVBUSVoltageLimit_mV; // 防拉挂电压设置 [4000,20000] 单位毫伏mV
uint16_t VSYSMinVoltage_mV; // VSYMIN 电压设置 [3000,16600] 单位毫伏mV
uint16_t chargeVBUSCurrentLimit_mA; // 充电 VBUS 输入限流设置 [500,6850] 单位毫安mA
uint16_t chargeVBATCurrentLimit_mA; // 充电 VBAT 输入限流设置 [100,12000] 单位毫安mA
uint16_t chargeLDOCurrentLimit_mA; // LDO 充电电流设置 [100,2000] 单位毫安mA
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t : 3; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
uint8_t shutdownLowPowerModeEnable : 1;
// 关机低功耗模式使能标志位:
// 0: 启用关机低功耗模式1: 禁用关机低功耗模式
uint8_t : 2; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
uint8_t a1PortDetectEnable : 1;
// A1端口检测使能标志位
// 0: 禁用A1端口检测1: 启用A1端口检测
uint8_t a2PortDetectEnable : 1;
// A2端口检测使能标志位
// 0: 禁用A2端口检测1: 启用A2端口检测
} config;
} connectDetect; // 负载接入检测及低功耗模式控制
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t switchFrequency : 2;
// 开关频率选项:
// 0: 300KHz1: 200KHz2: 400KHz3: 800KHz
uint8_t forcePWMModeEnable : 1;
// 强制 PWM 模式使能:
// 0: 禁用1: 启用
uint8_t : 2; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
uint8_t NTCProtectEnable : 1;
// NTC 过温保护使能
// 0: 启用1: 禁用
uint8_t PowerMOSMinConductTime : 1;
// 功率管最小导通时间设置:
// 0: 下管最小导通时间 112nS上管最小导通时间 133nS
// 1: 下管最小导通时间 58nS上管最小导通时间 81nS
uint8_t VBUSVoltageRegulationMethod : 1;
// VBUS 输出调压方式选择:
// 0: I2C 调压1: FB 调压
} config;
} funcConfig1;
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t deadzoneM1OpenM2Closed : 2;
// M2 关 M1 开死区设置:
// 0: 60nS1: 20nS2: 40nS3: 80nS
uint8_t deadzoneM1ClosedM2Open : 2;
// M2 关 M1 开死区设置:
// 0: 60nS1: 20nS2: 40nS3: 60nS
uint8_t deadzoneM3ClosedM4Open : 2;
// M3 关 M4 开死区设置:
// 0: 60nS1: 20nS2: 40nS3: 80nS
uint8_t deadzoneM3OpenM4Closed : 2;
// M4 关 M3 开死区设置:
// 0: 60nS1: 20nS2: 40nS3: 60nS
} config;
} funcConfig2;
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t M2MOSRdsOn : 2;
// M2 功率管内阻设置:
// 0: 2.5mR1: 5mR2: 7.5mR3: 10mR
uint8_t nductanceValue : 2;
// 电感感值设置:
// 0: 1uH1: 2.2uH2: 3.3uH3: 4.7uH
uint8_t : 4; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
} config;
} funcConfig3;
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t ACOutRegResetControl : 1;
// 适配器移出是否清除充电开关控制位:
// 0: 清除1: 不清除
uint8_t stopChargingOnFullEnable : 1;
// 充满停充使能:
// 0: 使能1: 禁止
uint8_t : 2; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
uint8_t fullChargeCurrent : 2;
// 充满截止电流设置:
// 0: 100mA1: 200mA, 3: 300mA4: 400mA
uint8_t batteryCellNum : 2;
// 电池节数设置:
// 0: 1节1: 2节, 3: 3节4: 4节
} config;
} funcConfig4;
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t : 4; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
uint8_t chipOverTemp : 2;
// 芯片过温温度设置:
// 0: 120℃1: 130℃, 3: 140℃4: 150℃
uint8_t peakCurrentLimit : 2;
// 峰值限流设置,充放电共用此设置:
// 0: 12A1: 14A, 3: 16A4: 18A
} config;
} funcConfig5;
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t func62368Enable : 1;
// 62368 功能使能:
// 0: 使能1: 禁止
uint8_t func62368IBUSLimitEnable : 1;
// 处于 62368 的高低温状态,降低 IBUS 限流功能使能:
// 0: 使能1: 禁止
uint8_t : 1; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
uint8_t chargeOverTimeEnable : 1;
// 充电超时使能:
// 0: 使能1: 禁止
uint8_t trickleChargeTimeout : 2;
// 涓流充电超时时间设置:
// 0: 30分钟1: 1小时, 3: 2小时4: 4小时
uint8_t constantCurrentChargeTimeout : 2;
// 恒流充电超时时间设置:
// 0: 12小时1: 24小时, 3: 48小时4: 72小时
} config;
} funcConfig6;
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t func62368LowTempCurrentLimit : 2;
// 处于 62368 的低温状态,降低限流设置:
// 当 funcConfig6.func62368IBUSLimitEnable=0 时,同时降低 IBUS 和 IBAT 的限流值
// funcConfig6.func62368IBUSLimitEnable=1 时,只降低 IBAT 的限流值
// 0: 降低到设置值的 1/21: 降低到设置值的 1/4, 3: 不降低4: 保留(不可选)
uint8_t func62368HighTempCurrentLimit : 2;
// 处于 62368 的高温状态,降低限流设置:
// 当 funcConfig6.func62368IBUSLimitEnable=0 时,同时降低 IBUS 和 IBAT 的限流值
// funcConfig6.func62368IBUSLimitEnable=1 时,只降低 IBAT 的限流值
// 0: 降低到设置值的 1/21: 降低到设置值的 1/4, 3: 不降低4: 保留(不可选)
uint8_t func62368LowTempVoltageLimit : 1;
// 处于 62368 的低温状态,降低充电目标电压设置:
// 0: 充电目标电压降低电池节数设置值*0.1V1: 不降低充电目标电压
uint8_t func62368HighTempVoltageLimit : 1;
// 处于 62368 的高温状态,降低充电目标电压设置:
// 0: 充电目标电压降低电池节数设置值*0.1V1: 不降低充电目标电压
uint8_t func62368LowTempHysteresis : 1;
// 62368 低温迟滞:
// 0: 5℃1: 10℃
uint8_t func62368HighTempHysteresis : 1;
// 62368 高温迟滞:
// 0: 5℃1: 10℃
} config;
} funcConfig7;
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t dischargeNTCHighLimit : 2;
// 放电 NTC 高温门限:
// 0: 50℃1: 55℃2: 60℃3: 65℃
uint8_t dischargeNTCLowLimit : 2;
// 放电 NTC 低温门限:
// 0: -10℃1: -5℃2: 0℃3: -20℃
uint8_t chargeNTCHighLimit : 2;
// 充电 NTC 高温门限:
// 0: 50℃1: 55℃2: 60℃3: 65℃
uint8_t chargeNTCLowLimit : 2;
// 充电 NTC 低温门限:
// 0: -10℃1: -5℃2: 0℃3: -20℃
} config;
} NTCConfig;
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t : 1; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
uint8_t NVDCLearnModeEnable : 1;
// 学习模式使能:
// 适配器接入时关闭充放电NVDC 处于全打开状态
// 0: 禁止1: 使能
uint8_t : 4; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
uint8_t VSYSOverVoltage : 2;
// VSYS 过载门限:
// 电池节数为 2~4 节时
// 0: 6V1: 5.75V2: 6.25V3: 6.5V
// 电池节数为 1 节时
// 0: 3.1V1: 2.85V2: 3.35V3: 3.6V
} config;
} NVDCConfig1;
uint8_t hex; // 8位无符号整数用于将位域组合成一个字节方便程序读取
uint8_t : 4; // 未定义的 bit 不能被改写
uint8_t trickleCurrent : 2;
// 涓流电流设置:
// 0: 100mA1: 200mA2: 300mA3: 400mA
uint8_t trickleCurrentHysteresis : 2;
// 涓流电压迟滞设置:
// 默认值根据 BSSET 电阻设置的电池节数,设置为电池节数*0.1V
// 0: 0.1V1: 0.2V2: 0.3V3: 0.4V
} config;
} trickleConfig; // 涓流电流设置
} sw7203_config_t;
* @brief SW7203 I2C
* @param handle i2c device handle
* @return
* - 8: -1
uint8_t sw7203_I2C_address_find(i2c_master_bus_handle_t I2C_bus_handle);
* @brief SW7203
* @param[in] sw7203_config sw7203的配置文件
* @param handle I2C_bus_handle I2C 线handle
* @param[in] I2C_address sw7203的I2C地址
* @return
* - ESP_OK: .
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED: SW7203 I2C地址不存在.
esp_err_t sw7203_driver_install(sw7203_config_t *sw7023_config, i2c_master_bus_handle_t I2C_bus_handle, uint8_t I2C_address);
* @brief SW7203
* @param[in] config sw7203的输出配置文件
void sw7203SwitchOutput(sw7203_Vout_config_t *config);
* @brief SW7203
void sw7203OutputEnable();
* @brief SW7203
void sw7203OutputDisable();
* @brief SW7203 A1端口
void sw7203A1PortOpen();
* @brief SW7203 A2端口
void sw7203A2PortOpen();
* @brief SW7203 A1端口
void sw7203A1PortClose();
* @brief SW7203 A2端口
void sw7203A2PortClose();
* @brief SW7203
* @param handle I2C_bus_handle I2C 线handle
* @return
* - ESP_OK: .
esp_err_t sw7203_driver_uninstall(i2c_master_bus_handle_t I2C_bus_handle);
const uint8_t SW7203RegAddress_bitmask[][2] = {
{0x18, 0b00010011},
{0x1A, 0b00000011},
{0x20, 0b11100111},
{0x21, 0b11111111},
{0x22, 0b11110000},
{0x30, 0b11001111},
{0x31, 0b00001111},
{0x32, 0b11011111},
{0x33, 0b11111111},
{0x34, 0b11111111},
{0x35, 0b00000111},
{0x36, 0b01111111},
{0x37, 0b00001111},
{0x38, 0b11111111},
{0x39, 0b01111111},
{0x3A, 0b01111111},
{0x40, 0b01000011},
{0x41, 0b00011111},
{0x42, 0b01111111},
{0x43, 0b11111111},
{0x23, 0b11111111},
{0x24, 0b00000111},
{0x25, 0b01111111},
{0x26, 0b01111111},
{0x27, 0b01111111},
{0x28, 0b00011111},
{0x02, 0b01111111},
{0x03, 0b11111111},