mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 22:39:55 +08:00
一些 0.6.7 的工作
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# Python 兼容版本 3.8+
from typing import Callable, Tuple, NewType, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar
from typing import Callable, Tuple
from typing_extensions import Optional
@ -9,9 +10,9 @@ pub type UserId = i64;
pub type MessageId = String;
class IcaType:
RoomId = NewType('RoomId', int)
UserId = NewType('UserId', int)
MessageId = NewType('MessageId', str)
RoomId = int
UserId = int
MessageId = str
@ -21,266 +22,260 @@ pub type UserId = String;
pub type MessageId = String;
class TailchatType:
GroupId = NewType('GroupId', str)
ConverseId = NewType('ConverseId', str)
UserId = NewType('UserId', str)
MessageId = NewType('MessageId', str)
GroupId = str
ConverseId = str
UserId = str
MessageId = str
class IcaStatus:
此类并不存储信息, 所有方法都是实时获取
def qq_login(self) -> bool:
def online(self) -> bool:
def self_id(self) -> IcaType.UserId:
def nick_name(self) -> str:
def ica_version(self) -> str:
def os_info(self) -> str:
def resident_set_size(self) -> str:
def head_used(self) -> str:
def load(self) -> str:
class IcaReplyMessage:
class IcaStatus:
此类并不存储信息, 所有方法都是实时获取
def qq_login(self) -> bool:
def online(self) -> bool:
def self_id(self) -> IcaType.UserId:
def nick_name(self) -> str:
def ica_version(self) -> str:
def os_info(self) -> str:
def resident_set_size(self) -> str:
def head_used(self) -> str:
def load(self) -> str:
class IcaSendMessage:
def content(self) -> str:
def content(self, value: str) -> None:
def with_content(self, content: str) -> "IcaSendMessage":
为了链式调用, 返回自身
self.content = content
return self
def set_img(self, file: bytes, file_type: str, as_sticker: bool):
@param file: 图片文件 (实际上是 vec<u8>)
@param file_type: 图片类型 (MIME) (image/png; image/jpeg)
@param as_sticker: 是否作为贴纸发送
class IcaReplyMessage:
class IcaDeleteMessage:
def __str__(self) -> str:
class IcaNewMessage:
class IcaSendMessage:
def content(self) -> str:
def content(self, value: str) -> None:
def with_content(self, content: str) -> "IcaSendMessage":
Icalingua 接收到新消息
为了链式调用, 返回自身
def reply_with(self, message: str) -> IcaSendMessage:
def as_deleted(self) -> IcaDeleteMessage:
def __str__(self) -> str:
def id(self) -> IcaType.MessageId:
def content(self) -> str:
def sender_id(self) -> IcaType.UserId:
def is_from_self(self) -> bool:
def is_reply(self) -> bool:
def is_room_msg(self) -> bool:
def is_chat_msg(self) -> bool:
def room_id(self) -> IcaType.RoomId:
如果是群聊消息, 返回 (-群号)
如果是私聊消息, 返回 对面qq
class IcaClient:
self.content = content
return self
def set_img(self, file: bytes, file_type: str, as_sticker: bool):
Icalingua 的客户端
@param file: 图片文件 (实际上是 vec<u8>)
@param file_type: 图片类型 (MIME) (image/png; image/jpeg)
@param as_sticker: 是否作为贴纸发送
# @staticmethod
# async def send_message_a(client: "IcaClient", message: SendMessage) -> bool:
# """
# 仅作占位, 不能使用
# (因为目前来说, rust调用 Python端没法启动一个异步运行时
# 所以只能 tokio::task::block_in_place 转换成同步调用)
# """
def send_message(self, message: IcaSendMessage) -> bool:
def send_and_warn(self, message: IcaSendMessage) -> bool:
"""发送消息, 并在日志中输出警告信息"""
return self.send_message(message)
def delete_message(self, message: IcaDeleteMessage) -> bool:
def status(self) -> IcaStatus:
def version(self) -> str:
def ica_version(self) -> str:
"""shenbot ica 的版本号"""
def debug(self, message: str) -> None:
def info(self, message: str) -> None:
def warn(self, message: str) -> None:
class TailchatReciveMessage:
Tailchat 接收到的新消息
def id(self) -> TailchatType.MessageId:
def content(self) -> str:
def sender_id(self) -> TailchatType.UserId:
# @property
# def is_from_self(self) -> bool:
# ...
def is_reply(self) -> bool:
def group_id(self) -> TailchatType.GroupId:
def converse_id(self) -> TailchatType.ConverseId:
def reply_with(self, message: str) -> "TailchatSendingMessage":
def as_reply(self, message: str) -> "TailchatSendingMessage":
class IcaDeleteMessage:
def __str__(self) -> str:
class TailchatSendingMessage:
Tailchat 将要发送的信息
def content(self) -> str:
def content(self, value: str) -> None:
def with_content(self, content: str) -> "TailchatSendingMessage":
为了链式调用, 返回自身
self.content = content
return self
# def set_img(self, file: bytes, file_type: str, as_sticker: bool):
# """
# 设置消息的图片
# @param file: 图片文件 (实际上是 vec<u8>)
# @param file_type: 图片类型 (MIME) (image/png; image/jpeg)
# @param as_sticker: 是否作为贴纸发送
# """
class TailchatClient:
Tailchat 的客户端
def send_message(self, message: TailchatSendingMessage) -> bool:
def send_and_warn(self, message: TailchatSendingMessage) -> bool:
"""发送消息, 并在日志中输出警告信息"""
return self.send_message(message)
def version(self) -> str:
def tailchat_version(self) -> str:
"""tailchat 的版本号"""
def debug(self, message: str) -> None:
def info(self, message: str) -> None:
def warn(self, message: str) -> None:
class ConfigData:
def __getitem__(self, key: str):
def have_key(self, key: str) -> bool:
CONFIG_DATA: ConfigData = ConfigData()
class IcaNewMessage:
正常 Import 的时候使用的类型定义
Icalingua 接收到新消息
IcaStatus = TypeVar("IcaStatus")
IcaReplyMessage = TypeVar("IcaReplyMessage")
IcaNewMessage = TypeVar("IcaNewMessage")
IcaSendMessage = TypeVar("IcaSendMessage")
IcaDeleteMessage = TypeVar("IcaDeleteMessage")
IcaClient = TypeVar("IcaClient")
TailchatReciveMessage = TypeVar("TailchatReciveMessage")
TailchatSendingMessage = TypeVar("TailchatSendingMessage")
TailchatClient = TypeVar("TailchatClient")
ConfigData = TypeVar("ConfigData")
def reply_with(self, message: str) -> IcaSendMessage:
def as_deleted(self) -> IcaDeleteMessage:
def __str__(self) -> str:
def id(self) -> IcaType.MessageId:
def content(self) -> str:
def sender_id(self) -> IcaType.UserId:
def is_from_self(self) -> bool:
def is_reply(self) -> bool:
def is_room_msg(self) -> bool:
def is_chat_msg(self) -> bool:
def room_id(self) -> IcaType.RoomId:
如果是群聊消息, 返回 (-群号)
如果是私聊消息, 返回 对面qq
class IcaClient:
Icalingua 的客户端
# @staticmethod
# async def send_message_a(client: "IcaClient", message: SendMessage) -> bool:
# """
# 仅作占位, 不能使用
# (因为目前来说, rust调用 Python端没法启动一个异步运行时
# 所以只能 tokio::task::block_in_place 转换成同步调用)
# """
def send_message(self, message: IcaSendMessage) -> bool:
def send_and_warn(self, message: IcaSendMessage) -> bool:
"""发送消息, 并在日志中输出警告信息"""
return self.send_message(message)
def delete_message(self, message: IcaDeleteMessage) -> bool:
def status(self) -> IcaStatus:
def version(self) -> str:
def ica_version(self) -> str:
"""shenbot ica 的版本号"""
def debug(self, message: str) -> None:
def info(self, message: str) -> None:
def warn(self, message: str) -> None:
class TailchatReciveMessage:
Tailchat 接收到的新消息
def id(self) -> TailchatType.MessageId:
def content(self) -> str:
def sender_id(self) -> TailchatType.UserId:
# @property
# def is_from_self(self) -> bool:
# ...
def is_reply(self) -> bool:
def group_id(self) -> Optional[TailchatType.GroupId]:
def converse_id(self) -> TailchatType.ConverseId:
def reply_with(self, message: str) -> "TailchatSendingMessage":
def as_reply(self, message: str) -> "TailchatSendingMessage":
class TailchatSendingMessage:
Tailchat 将要发送的信息
def content(self) -> str:
def content(self, value: str) -> None:
def group_id(self) -> Optional[TailchatType.GroupId]:
def group_id(self, value: Optional[TailchatType.GroupId]) -> None:
def converse_id(self) -> TailchatType.ConverseId:
def converse_id(self, value: TailchatType.ConverseId) -> None:
def with_content(self, content: str) -> "TailchatSendingMessage":
为了链式调用, 返回自身
self.content = content
return self
# def set_img(self, file: bytes, file_type: str, as_sticker: bool):
# """
# 设置消息的图片
# @param file: 图片文件 (实际上是 vec<u8>)
# @param file_type: 图片类型 (MIME) (image/png; image/jpeg)
# @param as_sticker: 是否作为贴纸发送
# """
class TailchatClient:
Tailchat 的客户端
def send_message(self, message: TailchatSendingMessage) -> bool:
def send_and_warn(self, message: TailchatSendingMessage) -> bool:
"""发送消息, 并在日志中输出警告信息"""
return self.send_message(message)
def version(self) -> str:
def tailchat_version(self) -> str:
"""tailchat 的版本号"""
def debug(self, message: str) -> None:
def info(self, message: str) -> None:
def warn(self, message: str) -> None:
class ConfigData:
def __getitem__(self, key: str):
def have_key(self, key: str) -> bool:
on_load = Callable[[IcaClient], None]
@ -300,3 +295,5 @@ on_tailchat_message = Callable[[TailchatClient, TailchatReciveMessage], None]
# ...
on_config = Callable[[None], Tuple[str, str]]
CONFIG_DATA: ConfigData = ConfigData()
@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ pub struct ReciveMessage {
#[serde(rename = "author")]
pub sender_id: UserId,
/// 服务器ID
/// 在私聊中不存在
#[serde(rename = "groupId")]
pub group_id: GroupId,
pub group_id: Option<GroupId>,
/// 会话ID
#[serde(rename = "converseId")]
pub converse_id: ConverseId,
@ -31,13 +32,10 @@ pub struct ReciveMessage {
pub reactions: Vec<JsonValue>,
/// 创建时间
#[serde(rename = "createdAt")]
pub created_at: JsonValue,
pub created_at: String,
/// 更新时间
#[serde(rename = "updatedAt")]
pub updated_at: JsonValue,
/// 未知
#[serde(rename = "__v")]
pub v: JsonValue,
pub updated_at: String,
impl ReciveMessage {
@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ impl Display for ReciveMessage {
// msgid|groupid-converseid|senderid|content
self.msg_id, self.group_id, self.converse_id, self.sender_id, self.content
@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ pub struct SendingMessage {
pub converse_id: ConverseId,
/// 服务器ID
#[serde(rename = "groupId")]
pub group_id: GroupId,
pub group_id: Option<GroupId>,
/// 消息的元数据
pub meta: Option<ReplyMeta>,
@ -107,7 +105,7 @@ impl SendingMessage {
pub fn new(
content: String,
converse_id: ConverseId,
group_id: GroupId,
group_id: Option<GroupId>,
meta: Option<ReplyMeta>,
) -> Self {
Self {
@ -117,7 +115,11 @@ impl SendingMessage {
pub fn new_without_meta(content: String, converse_id: ConverseId, group_id: GroupId) -> Self {
pub fn new_without_meta(
content: String,
converse_id: ConverseId,
group_id: Option<GroupId>,
) -> Self {
Self {
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Value as JsonValue;
use crate::data_struct::tailchat::UserId;
@ -11,3 +12,24 @@ pub struct LoginData {
pub nickname: String,
pub avatar: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct UpdateDMConverse {
/// 会话ID
#[serde(rename = "_id")]
pub id: String,
/// 创建时间
#[serde(rename = "createdAt")]
pub created_at: String,
/// 成员
pub members: Vec<UserId>,
/// 类型
#[serde(rename = "type")]
pub converse_type: String,
/// 更新时间
#[serde(rename = "updatedAt")]
pub updated_at: String,
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use crate::config::IcaConfig;
use crate::error::{ClientResult, IcaError};
use crate::{wrap_any_callback, wrap_callback, StopGetter};
const ICA_PROTOCOL_VERSION: &str = "2.12.2";
const ICA_PROTOCOL_VERSION: &str = "2.12.6";
pub async fn start_ica(config: &IcaConfig, stop_reciver: StopGetter) -> ClientResult<(), IcaError> {
let span = span!(Level::INFO, "Icalingua Client");
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ pub async fn any_event(event: Event, payload: Payload, _client: Client) {
// 忽略的
"closeLoading", // 发送消息/加载新聊天 有一个 loading
"renewMessage", // 我也不确定到底是啥事件
"syncRead", // 同步已读
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ impl TailchatReciveMessagePy {
pub fn get_sender_id(&self) -> UserId { self.message.sender_id.clone() }
pub fn get_group_id(&self) -> GroupId { self.message.group_id.clone() }
pub fn get_group_id(&self) -> Option<GroupId> { self.message.group_id.clone() }
pub fn get_converse_id(&self) -> ConverseId { self.message.converse_id.clone() }
/// 作为回复
@ -110,8 +110,14 @@ impl TailchatSendingMessagePy {
pub fn set_content(&mut self, content: String) { self.message.content = content; }
pub fn get_converse_id(&self) -> ConverseId { self.message.converse_id.clone() }
pub fn set_converse_id(&mut self, converse_id: ConverseId) {
self.message.converse_id = converse_id;
pub fn get_group_id(&self) -> GroupId { self.message.group_id.clone() }
pub fn get_group_id(&self) -> Option<GroupId> { self.message.group_id.clone() }
pub fn set_group_id(&mut self, group_id: Option<GroupId>) { self.message.group_id = group_id; }
pub fn with_content(&mut self, content: String) -> Self {
self.message.content = content;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
pub mod client;
pub mod events;
use colored::Colorize;
use futures_util::FutureExt;
use md5::{Digest, Md5};
use reqwest::ClientBuilder as reqwest_ClientBuilder;
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ pub async fn start_tailchat(
Ok(resp) => {
if resp.status().is_success() {
let raw_data = resp.text().await?;
let json_data = serde_json::from_str::<Value>(&raw_data).unwrap();
let login_data = serde_json::from_value::<LoginData>(json_data["data"].clone());
match login_data {
@ -64,20 +66,24 @@ pub async fn start_tailchat(
.on("notify:chat.message.add", wrap_callback!(events::on_message))
.on("notify:chat.message.delete", wrap_callback!(events::on_msg_delete))
// .on("notify:chat.message.update", wrap_callback!(events::on_message))
// .on("notify:chat.message.addReaction", wrap_callback!(events::on_msg_update))
event!(Level::INFO, "tailchat connected");
event!(Level::INFO, "{}", "已经连接到 tailchat!".green());
// sleep for 500ms to wait for the connection to be established
socket.emit("chat.converse.findAndJoinRoom", json!([])).await.unwrap();
event!(Level::INFO, "tailchat joined room");
event!(Level::INFO, "{}", "tailchat 已经加入房间".green());
event!(Level::INFO, "socketio client stopping");
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ use crate::data_struct::tailchat::messages::SendingMessage;
use rust_socketio::asynchronous::Client;
use colored::Colorize;
use serde_json::Value;
use tracing::{debug, warn};
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use tracing::{debug, info, warn};
pub async fn send_message(client: &Client, message: &SendingMessage) -> bool {
let value: Value = message.as_value();
@ -20,3 +20,16 @@ pub async fn send_message(client: &Client, message: &SendingMessage) -> bool {
pub async fn emit_join_room(client: &Client) -> bool {
match client.emit("chat.converse.findAndJoinRoom", json!([])).await {
Ok(_) => {
info!("emiting join room");
Err(e) => {
warn!("emit_join_room faild:{}", format!("{:#?}", e).red());
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ pub async fn any_event(event: Event, payload: Payload, _client: Client) {
// 真正处理过的
// 也许以后会用到
@ -60,7 +61,14 @@ pub async fn any_event(event: Event, payload: Payload, _client: Client) {
pub async fn on_message(payload: Payload, client: Client) {
if let Payload::Text(values) = payload {
if let Some(value) = values.first() {
let message: ReciveMessage = serde_json::from_value(value.clone()).unwrap();
let message: ReciveMessage = match serde_json::from_value(value.clone()) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
info!("tailchat_msg {}", value.to_string().red());
info!("tailchat_msg {}", format!("{:?}", e).red());
info!("tailchat_msg {}", message.to_string().cyan());
if !message.is_reply() {
@ -84,3 +92,11 @@ pub async fn on_msg_delete(payload: Payload, _client: Client) {
pub async fn on_converse_update(payload: Payload, _client: Client) {
if let Payload::Text(values) = payload {
if let Some(value) = values.first() {
info!("更新会话 {}", value.to_string().green());
@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
# 更新日志
## 0.6.7
- 处理了一些 tailchat 的特殊情况
- 比如 message 里面的 `GroupId` 实际上是可选的, 在私聊中没有这一项
- 忽略了所有的 `__v` (用于数据库记录信息的, bot不需要管)
- 作者原话 `不用管。数据库记录版本`
- 修复了如果没法解析新的信息, 会 panic 的问题
- `ica_typing.py`
- 补充了 `TailchatSendingMessage` 的 `group_id` 和 `converse_id` 字段
- 把 `group_id` 的设置和返回都改成了 `Optional[GroupId]`
- tailchat 的 API 也差点意思就是了(逃)
- 处理了 icalingua 的 `renewMessage` 事件 (其实就是直接忽略掉了)
## 0.6.6
Reference in New Issue
Block a user