use std::env; use std::fs; use colored::Colorize; use serde::Deserialize; use toml::from_str; use crate::data_struct::{ica, tailchat}; /// Icalingua bot 的配置 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct IcaConfig { /// icalingua 私钥 pub private_key: String, /// icalingua 服务器地址 pub host: String, /// bot 的 qq pub self_id: ica::UserId, /// 提醒的房间 #[serde(default = "default_empty_i64_vec")] pub notice_room: Vec, /// 是否提醒 #[serde(default = "default_false")] pub notice_start: bool, /// 管理员列表 #[serde(default = "default_empty_i64_vec")] pub admin_list: Vec, /// 过滤列表 #[serde(default = "default_empty_i64_vec")] pub filter_list: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct TailchatConfig { /// 服务器地址 pub host: String, /// 机器人 App ID pub app_id: String, /// 机器人 App Secret pub app_secret: String, /// 提醒的房间 pub notice_room: Vec<(tailchat::GroupId, tailchat::ConverseId)>, /// 是否提醒 #[serde(default = "default_false")] pub notice_start: bool, /// 管理员列表 #[serde(default = "default_empty_str_vec")] pub admin_list: Vec, /// 过滤列表 #[serde(default = "default_empty_str_vec")] pub filter_list: Vec, } fn default_plugin_path() -> String { "./plugins".to_string() } fn default_config_path() -> String { "./config".to_string() } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct PyConfig { /// 插件路径 #[serde(default = "default_plugin_path")] pub plugin_path: String, /// 配置文件夹路径 #[serde(default = "default_config_path")] pub config_path: String, } fn default_empty_i64_vec() -> Vec { Vec::new() } fn default_empty_str_vec() -> Vec { Vec::new() } fn default_false() -> bool { false } /// 主配置 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct BotConfig { /// 是否启用 icalingua #[serde(default = "default_false")] pub enable_ica: bool, /// Ica 配置 pub ica: Option, /// 是否启用 Tailchat #[serde(default = "default_false")] pub enable_tailchat: bool, /// Tailchat 配置 pub tailchat: Option, /// 是否启用 Python 插件 #[serde(default = "default_false")] pub enable_py: bool, /// Python 插件配置 pub py: Option, } impl BotConfig { pub fn new_from_path(config_file_path: String) -> Self { // try read config from file let config = fs::read_to_string(&config_file_path).expect("Failed to read config file"); let ret: Self = from_str(&config).unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("Failed to parse config file {}\ne:{:?}", &config_file_path, e) }); ret } pub fn new_from_cli() -> Self { // let config_file_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("No config path given"); // -c let mut config_file_path = "./config.toml".to_string(); let mut args = env::args(); while let Some(arg) = { if arg == "-c" { config_file_path =|| { panic!("{}", "No config path given\nUsage: -c ".red()) }); break; } } Self::new_from_path(config_file_path) } /// 检查是否启用 ica pub fn check_ica(&self) -> bool { self.enable_ica } /// 检查是否启用 Tailchat pub fn check_tailchat(&self) -> bool { self.enable_tailchat } /// 检查是否启用 Python 插件 pub fn check_py(&self) -> bool { self.enable_py } pub fn ica(&self) -> IcaConfig { self.ica.clone().expect("No ica config found") } pub fn tailchat(&self) -> TailchatConfig { self.tailchat.clone().expect("No tailchat config found") } pub fn py(&self) -> PyConfig {"No py config found") } }